how to become a coding teacher

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Uncle Pat Ugwu

Thinking about how to become a coding teacher may be difficult for some teachers. This may be because computing or programming is still kind of new to some classroom teachers. In this article, I will share with you how to become a Coding Teacher almost instantly. We have previously written about gold teaching strategies.

If you are a teacher or parent who wishes to start teaching kids how to code. You can get in-touch with us for discussion. Meanwhile, if you already know about coding, below is what you should start with.

How to Become a Coding Teacher

Aside from the ability to code, there are no precise requirements for becoming a coding teacher. You don’t need a college diploma or degree or any other type of formal education. All you’ll need is some spare time to teach pupils and some familiarity with various coding platforms.

The more programming languages and platforms you know, the more valuable your profession can become. You can also charge greater charges if you have in-depth knowledge of and talents in various coding languages.

Below is a list of activities to do as you learn how to become a coding teacher:

Ways for Teaching Coding to Kids

There are basically five things a teacher who wants to start teaching code to kids should focus on. We have previously highlighted why coding is important to kids.

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So, if you have been wondering how to become a coding teacher or what to teach, you are at the right place. Now, let us begin.

1. Algorithm

The very first concept of coding is algorithms. This is a step-by-step definite process to provide a solution for a problem. It is a good practice that programmers develop algorithms in the form of flow charts or pseudocode before the coding proper.

Teaching kids this process of writing down instructions or steps before the actual work will help them grab the concept of coding and of course programming in general. Canva for Education can be used to design flowcharts.

2. Sequence

Generally speaking, the sequence simply means to complete a task following a certain order. Considering algorithms as discussed above, is a way of putting those instructions in order. This actually is a core skill in programming and a great introduction to coding for kids.

This can be integrated into classroom lessons by teaching children the order of topics in a particular subject. Or by asking them to list the order of classroom routine.

3. Loop

Loop is basically something that goes round and round again and again. Loops in coding allow you to repeat a process again and again. In fact, the loop will continue to repeat until an instruction is given for it to stop.

This concept can be taught by explaining to kids how they come to school on a daily basis. The process stops on weekends, or when school closes for the term or semester.

For example, if a kid’s routine for getting to school is as follows:

  • Go to the bus stop
  • Enter school bus
  • Make 3 stops to pick up other kids
  • Arrive at school
  • Walk into the classroom
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This whole process can be named “getting to school”. So in coding, once you mention “getting to school” to a computer, it already knows the entire process. This is known as “Class” in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

4. Decomposition

Decomposition basically is breaking down problems into smaller and more manageable units. Teachers can do this by asking pupils to break down a process or their daily routine into smaller steps.

For instance, if you ask a kid to teach you how to brush your teeth. Many of them are likely to give you a brush and ask you to start brushing immediately. But teachers need to get them to learn how to break down the process into smaller pieces. This is also a practice in the field of vocational studies.

First, get water into a cup, get toothpaste, get a toothbrush, and put toothpaste on it. Then, start to brush your teeth and so on. That is the concept of decomposition, which should be understandable to a computer.

5. Branch

Branching in programming simply means checking conditions that determine the choice being made. In other words, it is making a decision based on what has happened or what is currently happening.

Let us assume that children’s daily routine is like this:

  • Wake up
  • Say prayer
  • Brush teeth
  • Take bath
  • Eat breakfast
  • Go to school

But what happens if a particular day is a public holiday and there is no school? This will definitely confuse the computer and introduce a bug. Branching is used to solve this problem by using a conditional statement known as “if”.

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For example, “if it is a public holiday, skip this and that”. You can use testmoz to check kids’ understanding of these concepts.

Bonus: Debug

Debugging is a method of correcting bugs (errors) in the computer code so that it will work as expected. Aside from another key programming best practices. Testing and debugging is a big features in the programming processes.

In fact, there is a field of work known as software testing. It is advised that you contact a tester to check your software or web application before deploying them.

So It is about fixing issues, we added it as a complement to the best ways for teaching coding to kids. Don’t forget, that you can learn software testing with Akanne Academy.

Final Thoughts

Programming is a fun thing to do, whether you’re doing it for work or for learning purposes. Focusing on the 5 best practices for teaching coding will help you bring the best from the children who are learning how to code. And this will help bring out the best in you as you learn how to become a coding teacher.

Teachers also should take lessons in different programming languages to give them a better experience in their teaching career. I will also advise you to learn other digital skills to boost your career.

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