best ai content humanizer

Last Updated on September 19, 2024 by Uncle Pat Ugwu

As a writer, I’ve always been fascinated by tech and creativity. In today’s world, making great content is key. But did you know AI can help you write better content? But, AI tools can’t match the personal touch that makes writing great. That’s where best AI content humanizers come in. They make AI text sound more natural and engaging for people.

We’ll look at the best AI content humanizer tools, both free and paid. So sit back and join us in this journey as we unveil these tools’ features, their pros and cons. We shall also talk about ethical considerations you need to know. You can see our article on AI content detector tools from here.

Before we begin, let’s first understand the concept of AI content generation.

What is AI Content Generation?

AI is a tool that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to generate articles and content. It is like having a super-smart friend who can write essays, stories, or even poems for you.

Imagine you need to write a report about your favorite animal. Instead of doing all the research and writing yourself, you could ask an AI content generator to help. It would gather information from the internet, think about what you’re looking for, and then write a draft for you.

As stated above, this kind of content may sound robotic and at times, difficult to understand. Now, let us look at some of the best AI content humanizers.

Best AI Content Humanizer Tools (Free)

1. Grammarly

Grammarly helps fix grammar and style mistakes. It makes your writing clear and sounds better. The free version is good, but the paid version offers more tips. We always feature Grammarly in almost all our AI content writing articles.

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  • Real-time grammar and style suggestions
  • Tone detection
  • Punctuation corrections
  • Clarity and engagement improvements

Pricing: Free (with premium plans)

  • User-friendly interface
  • Excellent for catching grammar and style issues
  • Provides suggestions to enhance tone


  • Limited advanced features in the free version
  • Some suggestions may feel overly formal

Why It’s Great: Grammarly not only helps fix grammatical errors but also improves the overall readability and tone of AI-generated content.

2. Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor makes your writing easy to read. It highlights hard sentences and unnecessary words. It scores your writing to show how clear it is.


  • Highlights complex sentences and passive voice
  • Suggests simpler alternatives
  • Measures readability level

Pricing: Free

  • Simple and easy to use
  • Helps improve clarity and flow
  • Readability score aids in simplifying content


  • Basic tool, lacks advanced AI features
  • Does not offer grammatical corrections

Why It’s Great: Hemingway is a no-nonsense tool that helps humanize AI content by simplifying complex sentences, making it perfect for ensuring your content is easy to digest.

3. changes sentences to sound natural. It’s great for improving English writing or avoiding plagiarism. It helps make your text clearer or more creative.


  • Rewrites sentences in a human-like way
  • Offers multiple rephrasing modes
  • Ensures originality and fluency

Pricing: Free (with premium options)

  • Offers quick paraphrasing solutions
  • Suitable for non-native English speakers
  • Simple interface


  • Limited to short text input in the free version
  • Paid version required for full features

Why It’s Great: is great for rewriting and improving AI-generated content, giving it a more human touch by rephrasing sentences to sound natural.

4. SEOWriting Humanizer

SEOWriting Humanizer rewrites articles while keeping the meaning. It’s good for SEO. It also fixes grammar and sentence structure.

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  • Uses AI to rewrite content in human-like language
  • Built-in grammar and sentence structure correction
  • Generates multiple versions of content

Pricing: Free (with limits)

  • Excellent for creating unique, human-sounding content
  • Allows bulk content rewrites
  • Provides detailed sentence-level changes


  • Can be overly complex for beginners
  • Full access requires paid version

Why It’s Great: Spin Rewriter is ideal for anyone needing to rewrite content at scale while ensuring it retains a human-like tone and structure.

5. AI WebRanker

AI WebRanker improves your writing for both humans and search engines. It suggests changes for better readability and SEO. It’s perfect for balancing both.


  • Optimizes AI content for SEO and human readability
  • Corrects sentence flow and style
  • Improves engagement metrics

Pricing: Free

  • Focuses on SEO optimization
  • Offers humanizing features for better readability
  • Easy to integrate with AI writing tools


  • SEO features might be too basic for advanced users
  • Limited customization

Why It’s Great: AI WebRanker is perfect for those looking to optimize AI-generated content both for human readers and SEO purposes, making it a well-rounded tool for content creators.

Best AI Content Humanizer Tools (Paid)

6. GravityWrite

GravityWrite is a paid tool that makes your writing more human. It adds emotional appeal. It’s great for writers and marketers who want personal content.


  • AI-driven tone and style suggestions
  • Enhances readability and emotional appeal
  • Offers creative rewrites

Pricing: Paid (starting at $19/month)

  • Advanced AI-based humanizing features
  • Tailors content to specific audiences
  • Strong integration with various writing platforms


  • Only available as a paid tool
  • Learning curve for new users

Why It’s Great: GravityWrite excels in giving AI-generated text a natural flow and improving its emotional resonance, making it a powerful tool for content marketers and writers.

7. WriteHuman

WriteHuman is a paid tool that makes AI content sound human. It adjusts tone and style for a personal touch. It also offers grammar tips for polished writing.

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  • Enhances tone, style, and voice
  • Tailors content to suit specific audiences
  • Built-in grammar and style suggestions

Pricing: Paid (starting at $29/month)

  • Highly customizable for different content types
  • Excellent tone-shaping tools
  • User-friendly interface


  • Pricier compared to other options
  • Limited free trial options

Why It’s Great: WriteHuman is a premium option for those serious about creating human-like AI content. It allows for precise tone adjustments and helps ensure your writing connects with readers on a personal level.

Ethical Considerations and Best Practices

Exploring AI content humanizers brings up big questions. We must think about authenticity, transparency, and the mix of AI and human writing. AI content tools are amazing, but humans must still play a big role. Ethical considerations mean finding a balance between the two. AI should help, but not take over.

Here are some best practices:

  • Always tell your audience about AI content humanizers used in your work. Be open about how much AI helps.
  • Use human oversight and quality assurance to check AI content. Make sure it’s right and sounds real.
  • Mix AI-generated and human-written sections in your content. Keep the human voice clear.
  • Keep checking the ethics of the best AI content humanizer use. Be ready to change if needed.

By following these ethical considerations and best practices, you can use AI tools well. This keeps your writing real and trustworthy for your audience. You may want to read more on article rewriting tools.

“The responsible use of AI in content creation is not about replacing humans, but about enhancing their capabilities and elevating the overall quality of the content we produce.”

Final Thoughts

It’s important to make AI content feel real and personal. This makes your writing more relatable and easy to get. Whether you using AI tools for research writing, for work, for fun, work, or to share online, using AI tools can help a lot.

Grammarly and Hemingway Editor are great for beginners. For more advanced needs, GravityWrite and WriteHuman are top choices. Try these tools to find the best fit for you and make your AI content more human! Don’t forget we have an article on the benefits of AI in education.

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